

About a week ago, I was contacted by a company called ThreadBright. ThreadBright is a website that is aiming to make shopping easier by working to compile all of the lastest products from stores like Pixie Market, Nastygal, Threadsence, and Free People all on one easy to use wbsite. By doing all the work for you, your only job is to sit back, relax, and scroll through your favorite brands. When you happen to see someting you would like to buy, simply hover the image and click on the GET BUY mousover. You will then be brought to the product website for that item and all of the glorious purchasing can begin.

They were also kind enough to feature me as one of the many blogs they love. Which brings me to my next point - this pretty cool feature on the top of the ThreadBright websites which cycles through 3 blogs that change frequently which introduce different fashionblogs the people over at ThreadBright are curretnly loving. What i find really great about this feature is the fact that ThreadBright makes it easy to learn about new bloggers you may not have already heard about with just the click of a button.

ThreadBright contacted me because they are currently working on getting their name out there so fashion-oriented people like you can learn about this new way of shopping. They didn't specifically demand that I advertise their webite as trade off for featuring me. But they asked if i wouldn't mind, so of course i said yes. because in all honesty, in both the fashion, blogging, and social media world, we are all just trying to get our feet on the ground and get ourselves established, so why not? it never hurts to be nice and help out fellow entrepreneurs in the making. so i guess i am going to take a cue from Barney Stinson, when i go ahead and ask, "Haaaaave you met ThreadBright?"

lg, Rae

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