museum insel


last night i was able to catch up with my friend diana. she came over for dinner and we hung out on the deck and just did a lot of catching up. i have been testing out my camera as well and running around taking care of lots of unfunny things like going to the dentist. i also just realized that i never shared these photos with you, which is perfect, since i am still playing with my new camera and do not have any new photos to share with you all yet. this is an outfit i wore the day wingyi and i visited the german history museum and flew to vienna. i am wearing a blazer from zara, blouse from zara, shorts from a vintage store from paris, h&m tights, h&m shoes, a beret from uo, and a tote bag from one teaspoon. the weather was still quite chilly which is why i am so heavily dressed! i think this is a great updated schoolgirly outfit due to the blazer and the beret, which really just makes this the perfect outfit to wear to a trip to the museum!

the small purple sticker is the sticker from the museum. 
i liked it so it is still sitting on my blazer.

a side shot where you can see the design on the tote quite well

hope you enjoyed!

lg, Rae



all my friends are aliens / goodbye berlin! see you again soon!
(hackescher markt)

lg, Rae 

fun for adults


how great would it be to have this in your flat? i love the juxtaposition of this childish pastime in such a modern professional looking flat. in fact, wouldn't it be even greater if this were the office you worked in? anytime you encountered horrible bouts of writer's block or just needed to step away from whatever project you were working on for fear of going crazy, you could just take a bit of a break and just relax and have some fun. i personally think work productivity would increase dramatically if every office building had an adult play room full of slides, things to climb through, and a ball pit, as well as a nap room.

in any case, i am heading to VIENNA tomorrow! one of my closest friends from the states arrived yesterday, and during part of her stay, we decided to visit another country in europe since this is her first time here. so the next time you hear from me, i will be in austria!

lg, Rae 

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